Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Types of Online Jobs for Students

5 Types of Online Jobs for Students Image via: Social media manager If you’re a Facebook addict  or a Twitter fiend,  guess what: you’re qualified! Now that 78 percent of Americans have some form of a social media presence, hundreds of companies are searching for social media managers to do just that: manage their social media. As a social media manager, you will serve as the face and the voice of a company. It’s a fun way to make extra cash with a flexible schedule depending on who you work for. (Psst … This is an excellent job for all of you marketing and business majors out there.) To get started, keep an eye out on your campus’ career center page, or on LinkedIn. Companies will send out releases asking for new hires through both of these sources, if not more. If all else fails, do a simple search on Google to seek out social media jobs in your area. If you look hard enough, you are bound to find what you’re looking for. Isn’t the internet swell? Image via: Freelance writer Remember how everyone told you that there’s no money in writing? Well, now you can prove them wrong! Companies seek freelance writers to produce content for their websites, including product descriptions and blog posts. Online magazines and publications, like Uloop, also seek student writers to produce articles on almost any subject! Being a freelance writer is both a simple and lucrative career that will allow you to build your writing portfolio. Published work will always look great on a resume. If being a writer isn’t necessarily your speed and you’d like to try something a little different, there’s also freelance proofreading! Students and bloggers will always need someone to double-check their work and make sure it’s in perfect shape for submission. As a freelance proofreader, you can set your own rates and provide your services! To get started, check out MediaBistro and Textbroker. Image via: Online tutor Take your academic skills and turn them into cash by becoming an online tutor. You could offer your services to home-schooled students, or your fellow college students who are taking courses away from campus. Your work hours are entirely up to you and you’ll also gain experience in running your own small business. Tutoring is also a great job to have both inside and outside of the classroom. Academically, it allows you to develop your mastery of a subject and expand your knowledge. In the career world, employers will love to see your ability to work with others and teach a subject. This translates into excellent communicative and team-building skills, both of which are indispensable for the 21st-century job market! Image via: Transcriptionist This position is a complete cinch and requires very little prior experience. Do you know how to type on a computer? Great! You’re almost there. Being a transcriptionist requires you to listen to audio files and type up whatever you hear. The audio files are usually dictated notes related to legal, medical, or financial matters. The position offers a variety of flexible hours and flexible workloads depending on what you can handle and how much you can take on in one sitting. According to The Penny Hoarder, being a transcriptionist can really pay off with salaries ranging from $15 to $25 per hour. While this sounds like such a simple job, be forewarned: it can quickly turn into a repetitive activity and is frustrating if the audio file quality isn’t top notch. Image via: Survey taker Remember those emails that constantly clog your Spam folder about earning $500 for taking a survey? Before you hit delete, just know that some of them might be legitimate. Companies want to know about your experience with Amazon, grocery store products, movie theaters, and more. Typical price ranges are anywhere from $10 to $30 per survey. Before you go back through your email, remember to double, triple-check the source before clicking. We both don’t want you to catch a virus on your computer. We only want you to catch some greens! Give any of these online job opportunities a shot and start raking in some extra cash.

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